The easiest way to protect yourself from strokes

Scientists from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden believe that many of the unpleasant consequences of strokes can be avoided by walking for at least half an hour every day. Scientists have found evidence of the benefits of physical activity for the brain before. Swedish researchers are convinced that such activity also affects the severity of post-stroke phenomena.

Employees of the University of Gothenburg analyzed data from 2,300 stroke patients: they studied the features of daily diet, habits, and other aspects that can affect abnormalities in the function of blood vessels in the brain.

“We found that the main risk factor in the development of the most severe forms of stroke was the lack of physical activity and the sedentary lifestyle of patients,” the authors of the project stated.

According to their data, in patients living in conditions of inactivity, cerebral hemorrhages occurred on average 1.2 times more often.

Scientists believe that inactivity contributes to a lack of oxygen in the body's cells due to sluggish blood circulation. The researchers stated that in cases where the body's cells do not receive a constant supply of oxygen, their mitochondria are destroyed, and such destruction leads to malfunctions in the cells and ultimately their death.

“Even a short oxygen starvation has serious consequences. Such transformations can occur both during “major” strokes and with less serious problems with the functioning of the blood vessels of the brain,” the Swedish experts noted.

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Author: alex

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