The endocrinologist shared advice on how to avoid the development of diabetes

The endocrinologist said that should be done to reduce the risk of diabetes.

“The main prevention of diabetes is a normal weight,” said the doctor. She explained: “the lower the weight, the lower the risk of getting sick.”

The doctor said that an overweight person is in the risk zone. In this case, the doctor recommends donating blood for glucose in the laboratory at least once a year.

In addition, the expert gave advice on how not to get fat and keep the weight within normal limits.

“ We need to eat less and move more,” explained the endocrinologist. “For these purposes, any diet is suitable, as long as it is calorie-restricted,” the doctor concluded.

Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases that can affect the work of many vital organs. At the same time, spikes in blood glucose, as a rule, occur after eating unhealthy food.

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Author: alex

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