The exact period when you need to cut hydrangea for the winter is named
There is a constant question , and when exactly do you need to cut hydrangea for the winter. Everyone says that it is autumn, but few people name a more precise period. If you also do not know the answer to this question, then read it further in the article.
The correct period for pruning
Gardeners said that you need to be guided directly by the hydrangea. Look at its leaves. When it turned yellow and fell, then you need to prune the shoots.
Carefully monitor the weather conditions. The plant needs time to adapt to the new condition and to the onset of frost. It will take at least 2 weeks.
Freezing in winter should also be prevented. To do this, leave 3 cm of branches above the bud. By the way, hydrangea owners often make a mistake. They cut the hydrangea inflorescences before the leaves turn yellow.
Why not? By cutting off the inflorescences ahead of time, you stimulate the plant to grow new shoots. The risk lies in their weakness. They will not be able to overwinter. Therefore, do everything correctly and on time.
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