The expert explained what the speed of aging depends on
The rate of aging processes depends only on 20% hereditary factors. The other 80% is due to external factors.
Doctor Eric Berg explained what factors and conditions can accelerate the aging of the body and whether these processes can be reversed.
“To slow down the aging process, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that destroy cells and impair the functioning of organs. One of the reasons is damaged proteins. They are damaged when combined with sugar. This is how the end products of glycation are formed. Because of them, tissues lose elasticity and a person looks older,” explains the expert.
Vitamin deficiency (A, D, E, K and omega-3) can also accelerate aging. All these elements are necessary for the body to build new cells.
The stress hormone cortisol has an extremely negative effect on maintaining youth. In general, it is invented by nature to help us survive. But when the cortisol level is constantly over the top (chronic stress), say goodbye to youth. Cells are not renewed, collagen is destroyed, muscles become weak, and the skin is not as elastic.
Another hormone that is needed to slow down aging is growth hormone. Without it, cells will also be renewed, and youth is the ability to quickly regenerate.
Is it able to influence the above-mentioned nutritional processes? Dr. Berg claims that the keto diet (rejection of carbohydrates, preference for proteins in food) has a visible anti-aging effect. The greatest effect is possible when this type of nutrition is combined with a system of intermittent fasting.
A diet devoid of carbohydrates will help stabilize cortisol, and intermittent fasting will start the processes of self-cleansing and renewal of the body at the cellular level.
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