The expert listed five signs of chronic stress
Dr. Eric Berg named five signs of chronic stress and told how dangerous constant stress is for our body.
It is impossible to imagine life without stress. We live in an imperfect world and it is impossible to isolate ourselves from it. But when stress is constantly present in our lives and becomes chronic, it's already dangerous!
“The outburst of negative emotions helps us get rid of stress without keeping it in ourselves. But if stress becomes a “frequent guest”, the adrenal glands – our defenders – weaken and are less able to resist stress factors,” says the expert.
It is against the background of chronic stress that dangerous diseases often appear and develop, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.
Also, feeling constant danger, the body begins to store fat in the abdominal area to protect the internal organs in case of something. Fat serves in this case as a kind of “safety cushion”.
At the same time, while the waist becomes wider and wider, arms and legs can, on the contrary, lose weight, the skin sags.
And now five signs that will help you determine that you are already under chronic stress and it is time to do something about it. These are sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and waking up), deterioration of memory and other cognitive abilities, cravings for floury, salty and sweet foods, a sagging stomach and decreased libido. And sometimes sexual desire can disappear completely against the background of stress.
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