The expert listed products that will help restore the healthy look of hair
The doctor named the products , which will help solve many hair problems. There are only five of them.
“We choose products that are rich in zinc, calcium and iron. We take away alcohol, smoking, and stress,” the expert listed the basic rules.
And now we'll sort it out point by point. If you want to grow luxurious hair, eat fatty fish regularly. It contains large doses of omega-3, iron and proteins. You can choose any variety: chum, mackerel and even common pollock.
Greens are a must! Any. Spinach, broccoli, green beans. All greens are rich in vitamins A, C and K. They will regulate sebum production. It is a natural moisturizer for our hair. Too much of it is also bad. If the hair gets greasy too quickly, it can be a signal of hormonal disturbances.
Hair loves nuts. Keep an assortment of nuts on the table, the more varied, the better. Nuts contain zinc, selenium, omega. A handful is enough for the day.
Emphasis on orange vegetables, they are rich in carotenoids. They will control the work of sebaceous glands, moisturize the scalp.
Beans and lentils are the most popular in our country. It is a real source of protein, zinc, and biotin. All this in a complex will help to get rid of brittleness and improve hair growth.
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