The expert named 5 healthy habits that are actually harmful to teeth

Proper care of the teeth and oral cavity is in many ways the key to a healthy body that is not prone to various bacteria. However, some actions that a person does every day for the benefit of the body can have a negative effect on the teeth. They can weaken them, which can lead to destruction. Michelle McGregor, associate professor and director of dental hygiene at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, shared five common mistakes and how to correct them. What should not be done?

Drink a lot of lemon water

The popular drink is known for relieving drowsiness and fatigue, improving the psycho-emotional state, and promoting better absorption of nutrients. However, according to the doctor, the acidic environment in the mouth mixes with bacteria and destroys the enamel. Michelle McGregor advises limiting yourself to one glass of water with lemon a day or diluting the drink with a lot of water to reduce acidity. It is also recommended to drink water through a tube.

Abusing fruit and vegetable juices

Juices contain a large amount of sugar, which can harm the health of teeth more than lemon water. Instead of juices, it is better to eat fruits and vegetables in their original form. They are not only good for the teeth, but also stimulate the production of saliva.

Use carbohydrates as snacks

Nutritionists advise to eat as often as possible – from 4-5 times a day in small portions. However, according to the dentist, the more often a person eats, the more his teeth are exposed to an acidic environment. Therefore, neutral pH remains less and less in the mouth. The worst snack will be carbohydrates that get stuck in the crevices of the teeth and break down into sugar in the mouth. The expert recommends choosing apples or carrots as snacks. Crunchy foods help teeth to self-clean. Dairy products that do not remain on the teeth and contain calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen the smile, are also suitable. After eating, you should rinse your mouth.

Excessive and frequent tooth brushing

Brushes with high and medium hardness can damage the gums and teeth, so it is recommended to use soft . During cleaning, you don't need to try too hard, light pressure is enough for the teeth for two full minutes. Also, doctors do not advise to brush your teeth too often, as this causes the enamel to wear off too quickly.

Brush your teeth after acidic food

Acidic food softens the enamel. , so it can be more damaged during cleaning. McGregor recommends rinsing your mouth after eating or drinking acidic drinks. The oral cavity needs 20 minutes to restore pH after eating.

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Author: alex

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