The factor at which colored lenses become truly dangerous

As told an ophthalmologist, in some cases the use of colored contact lenses can harm health.

The danger arises when the pupil is larger than the uncolored central zone of the lens, the doctor noted. This can happen at dusk or in the dark. In these cases, the perception of the surrounding environment is distorted, which is dangerous, for example, when driving a car.

The factor at which colored lenses become really dangerous

According to ophthalmologist, it is safer to use tinted lenses because they do not have an uncolored center, meaning they are completely covered with some tint. Wearing such lenses imitates the use of glasses with a filter.

The head of the ophthalmology department of the hospital for war veterans No. 2, Oleksiy Egorov, in turn, reminded that the repeated use of disposable lenses (as well as their incorrect wearing) can lead to ” corns” on the eyes.

– With long-term use, the contact lens causes changes in the front part of the eye. Very distantly, it can be compared with calluses on the legs, but only in effect, not manifestation, – warns the expert.

Contact lenses are thin, curved lenses that cover the surface of the eye. They are usually colorless, but may be slightly colored for ease of handling. One-day contact lenses are worn during the day, then thrown away before going to bed and replaced with a new pair in the morning.

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Author: alex

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