The fast khachapuri on the dough with eggs

Khachapuri is an ancient Georgian dish. It began to be cooked in the Middle Ages. In short, it is a cheese cake. The original recipe involves the use of imretin cheese. It resembles our sour milk cheese in structure. But the stuffing can be done with other cheeses to your taste. Depending on the Georgian region, they prepare khachapuri in their own way, changing not only the filling but also the shape of the dish. It can be square, round or in the form of a shuttle. At least 10 varieties of khachapuri are known. How to cook this delicious dish, read on.


You will need the following components:

      arria-level = “1”> chicken eggs-2 pc.;
    • melted butter-1 tbsp;
    • soda-0,5 tsp;
    • vinegar-1 tsp;
    • water-0.5 tbsp;
    • flour.

    How to cook The dough

    melted butter should be whipped with the eggs. Season with a little. Add the flour and knead the dough. It should come out of medium density. On average, 200-300 g. You need to focus on the consistency of the dough.

    Divide the dough into 2 parts and rolled each. Sprinkle some flour on a baking tray. Put one part of the rolled dough, the stuffing on it and cover with the other cake. Sew the edges and bake in the oven over medium heat for 15 minutes. This is a particularly characteristic stuffing for Ajar Khachapuri. However, you can experiment. For example, it will be delicious to prepare a cream of melted cheese and green onions. Solid cheese can be mixed with sour milk, which will bring the taste closer to the imretin kind of dish. A very rich taste will come out if you mix several varieties of cheese and add greens, dry seasonings. Pay attention to mozzarella or cheese.

    cheese stuffing is appropriate in different dishes. Even zucchini with it is delicious. And for khachapuri you can try another option. In the mountain region of Racha (Georgia) the filling is made from ham. By the way, it is the Rachinsky khachapuri who have a square shape.

    cook khachapuri and share your favorite toppings. Delicious!

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Author: alex

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