The first tram in Kyiv and Ukraine: when it appeared and how it looked

On June 13, 1892, the first electric tram system was opened in Kyiv. It was the first tram network on the territory of the former Russian Empire, the first on the territory of modern Ukraine, the third in Eastern Europe (after Budapest in 1888 and Prague in 1891) and the 16th across Europe.

This electric transport appeared in Kyiv earlier than in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and even 2 years earlier than in Lviv, which was still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Tram with horses

Back in the 1870s in Kyiv, projects for the construction of a horse-drawn city railway were considered, but none of them were implemented.

In 1886, the engineer Amand Struve proposed his project, which was supported by the Kyiv City Duma, and on June 30, 1891, a solemn ceremony for the laying of a horse-drawn tram took place.

In August, regular traffic on Velika Vasylkivska already began – from the “Lybid” station. to Mariyinsko-Blagovishchenska Street. Later, the line was extended to Tsarska Square (European Square).

The park had 70 horses that worked in two shifts. In November, another line was opened in Podil, later it was extended.

In 1890, Struve turned to the Kyiv city administration with a proposal to introduce electric trams in the city, because horses did not have the opportunity to travel over slopes and descents everywhere.

The engineer's proposal was considered dubious, because it could interfere with the operation of telephone and telegraph networks. He even had to give an indemnity if the trams interfered with the networks.

Steam and Electric Tram

On September 21, 1891, the construction of a new tram track began at Oleksandrivsky Uzvoz (Volodymyrskyi). Meanwhile, on the first line, horses were replaced by steam traction and four steam locomotives began to be operated. And although the noise and smoke were crazy, the tram was popular.

The first tram in Kyiv and Ukraine: when it appeared and how it looked

The first two cars of the tram with electric motors were built by the Struve brothers at a factory in Moscow – according to American drawings. In May, the first test took place, and on June 13, the tram was launched for passengers – on the line from Podol to Khreshchatyk.

The carriages had 22 seats located along the interior. It was believed that such a design gave convenient access to the motors, which were then of an open type.

Another 18 passengers could be accommodated on two platforms and inside the cabin. There were also conductors who kept a close eye on the number of people, because there were safety rules and low engine strength – only 27 horsepower.

The first tram in Kyiv and Ukraine: when it appeared and how it looked

Already in 1893, the profits from the electric tram significantly exceeded the expenses for its maintenance, and it became clear that this type of transport had no competitors. Within a year, an electrified line was launched along Khreshchatyk, to Lviv Square and to the train station. Later – from Podol to the Trinity Church.

In 1900, a line was built to Pushcha-Vodytsia, where steam locomotives were first launched, and then electrified.

Rapid and important development


Amanda Struve's activities were extremely important for the development of the capital of Ukraine, because from a provincial city at the time, Kyiv quickly turned into the most developed city in Eastern Europe, a center of advanced technologies and innovations.

The first tram in Kyiv and Ukraine: when it appeared and how it looked

In 1915, the fleet numbered 149 carriages of various types, including Pullmans, singles and trailers. Trams were manufactured not only at the Kolomensk Plant, but also at the Kyiv Machine-Building Plant, at the Gerbrandt Plant, in Warsaw, Belgium, and at the Kyiv Tram Workshops. At that time, 21 routes were operating in the city, covering the entire territory of Kyiv and its surroundings.

It is worth adding that the number of routes reached 35, but over time some lines were eliminated, destroyed, closed. Now there are 18 tram lines in Kyiv. The old numbering was preserved, which is why there are large gaps in it.

How much did the trip cost

Until 1931, fares depended on the number of stops and all routes were divided into tariff sections. The conductor had a roll of red tickets, the cost of which depended on the distance.

The passenger had to pay 5 kopecks for the first section, and 3 kopecks for each subsequent section. Students, high school students had a discount stamp that gave a discount on travel.

By 1941, 5 lines were built:

  • 14 Poštova ploshcha – Darnytsia
  • 23 Mykilska slobidka – Brovary
  • 24 Darnytsia – DVRZ
  • 25 Postal Square – Mykilska slobidka
  • 26 Mykilska slobidka – plant “Khimvolokno” ”

The oldest tram route that has survived to modern times is tram line No. 12, which goes from Kontraktova Square to Pushcha Voditsa.

The first tram in Kyiv and Ukraine: when it appeared and how it looked

The most beautiful route was called “Kyiv Switzerland”. It was opened in 1904 and took place in the area of ​​Hertsena Street to the Syretsky Arboretum. This line existed until the end of the 1920s.

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Author: alex

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