The Five Finger Technique: How It Works and Helps Fight Negative Memories and Stress
One of the main problems of every person is their own memory, which makes them return to difficult times again and again. The Five Finger Technique will help you forget about problems and get rid of stress.
Introduction to the Five Finger Technique
Any negative memories make themselves felt with some periodicity. Fears, experiences and stress prevent us from doing what we love and what we want. The longer we are “trained” by a past trauma or some psychological problem, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
The five-finger technique is based on mnemonics. The fingers symbolize something specific, so it will be easier for you to remember this technique so as not to constantly remind yourself of it, rereading the article over and over again. This is a very simple method that has proven to be quite effective, but is somewhat unknown, so you may never have heard of it.
This technique is based on stopping the influence of an external problem by transferring control to yourself. To get closer to independence, you need to take everything into your own hands. It is necessary to interrupt an unpleasant situation.
How this technique works
This is a fairly simple technique, because the scientist named Richard Grennon, who invented it, wanted to create something that would be understandable to children when he worked in schools. You need to use the technique five times a day for 30 days. Given that the technique is very simple, you will need less than five minutes a day to clear your mind of negative memories and thoughts, anxiety.
There are five statements in total that remind you of your goals. The main goal is concentration, freedom, positivity. Formulate your goal, which you will strive for. Five fingers five times a day will help you move towards emotional healing and balance.
First finger. Tap your thumb, which symbolizes yourself, because it is the thickest and most important of all. Repeat to yourself: “I am me. I am not my fears, not my problems, not my negative memories.” It seems that this does not help, but it is not. With these words you create a void, a gap between negative memories and your reaction to them. You can replace the vague phrase with a more precise one: “I am not problems with work, not divorce, not money problems, not anxiety, not anger, not sadness, and so on.” The main thing is to repeat the same thing. The first step tells you that it does not matter how bad everything is. It is important to accept the current situation.
Second finger. It reminds you of the goal. This is the index finger, which always points to something. It points to what you are striving for. Say, tapping your index finger: “I am moving towards the target state. I am becoming more emotionally stable, kinder, calmer, and so on.” This is just an example, because here too it is important to formulate everything in accordance with your goals.
The third finger. The middle finger is wisdom. It reminds you of the importance of opening the door to your feelings with warmth. Richard Grennon also calls it the greeting finger, because it welcomes and lets in positive emotions. This finger is the longest, so it is important to perceive it as an antenna that receives a positive signal. While tapping it, repeat: “I accept what I feel: sadness, anger, weakness, and so on.” If you do not accept the negative emotions that come to you, you can stop feeling good.
Fourth finger. The ring finger is selfish. It reminds us of the importance of putting ourselves first. It reminds us of what is needed for us. It helps to take the burden off our shoulders that weighs on us every day. Repeat to yourself, holding this finger: “I will do only what is necessary for me. This is important for me, for my purification.”
Fifth finger. The little finger symbolizes separation. It separates everything extraneous from ourselves. Repeat to yourself, holding the little finger: “Only I own myself. This is my body, my destiny, my life, my time.” Your right to own yourself is granted by nature itself, by God, by law – at your discretion.
Here is a quick version of what you need to say: “I am not my problems, negativity and stress. I see the goal and go towards it (say the goal). I accept what I feel. I will do what is necessary for me. I am in control of myself.”
Five times a day, remind yourself of this. Say what the scientist recommends. You will see how your life and attitude towards it will change after 30 days. Then you can change your goals and work on other problems.
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