The five main causes of loss of visual acuity are named

Various factors of everyday life can affect visual acuity life.

In particular, such bad habits as reading in transport, lying down or in the dark, abusing eye drops can spoil the quality of vision and life.

Five main causes of loss of visual acuity are named< /p>

Reading and watching videos in moving vehicles

Reading and watching videos while driving is very harmful to the eyes due to the heavy load on the neck and the tension of the eye muscles, which are tired of constantly focusing on each word and line.

Uncontrolled use of eye drops< /strong>

Ophthalmologists warn that eye drops should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. So, if you frequently instill the eyes to reduce redness, you can become addicted, and if you stop instilling, the redness will become simply frightening. In addition, such means can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure and, as a result, to deterioration of vision up to blindness.

Abandoning sunglasses

If you look at them with the naked eye for a long time and often, you can get retinal burns and vision impairment. Sunglasses are a complete means of protection in this sense.

Reading in the dark

Reading at dusk leads to fatigue and eye strain. You should read, work at a computer or view content on your phone in uniform and bright light that is comfortable for the eyes.

The contrast between the screen and the darkness in the room causes the effect of blinding, overexertion and fatigue. If you read in the dark from a gadget, turn on a lamp or at least a night light.

Reading lying down

Those who like to read lying down, especially on their backs, get about the same effect as when reading or watching videos in transport. The eyes have to constantly adjust to the changing distance, focusing on the text.

When reading or watching a video while lying down, when a person holds a book or a gadget in his hands, the distance from the eyes to the object constantly changes, although imperceptibly . Therefore, the eyes must constantly change focus, even though it is a physiologically incorrect viewing angle. As a result of fatigue, impaired eye function and the adaptive capacity of the ciliary muscles lead to myopia.

Doctors urge regular preventive examination by an ophthalmologist and timely contact a specialist in case of vision problems. This can help to avoid 80% of deviations and eye diseases.

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Author: alex

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