The flight attendant spoke about a complaint she was tired of hearing from passengers

Air travel can be a real challenge for most travelers. A flight attendant named a frequent complaint from passengers that she heard.

What they always complain about

A flight attendant Heather Poole said that the most common complaints from travelers are the faulty entertainment system, lack of Wi-Fi -Fi and reclining seats.

To recline or not to recline is a long-standing debate, with some arguments getting so heated that the crew has to intervene. All because some passengers are upset about the lack of space in already cramped planes.

But Poole said that asking the flight attendants for help might be futile because they “can't do anything about reclined seats.”

She noted that it's legal to recline seats and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

“If you kick a seat or threaten to punch someone in the face, you will be kicked off the flight, not the person who moved their seat,” the message reads.

Poole added that if you do recline your seat, do it slowly and be mindful of the people behind you to avoid broken laptops.

Bad passenger habits

Not right away get up from your seat as soon as the wheels touch the asphalt. All because you won't get off the plane sooner.

Experts note that many passengers are very annoyed when someone nearby loudly chews gum, and even more so, blows bubbles and pops them.

< p>Kids can be a real nightmare on airplanes, but only parents should deal with their child. Therefore, if you are inconvenienced by a stranger's child during the trip, for example, he hits the back of your chair or touches you with his feet, you should politely contact his parents, no matter how great the temptation is to deal with the annoying child yourself.

Besides, no one likes drunk people on board planes, because they often behave too loudly, and can also get into a conflict with other passengers and staff. But even if there is no aggression, it can still be very difficult with a drunk passenger.

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Author: alex

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