The formula for effective cholesterol reduction was named by a nutritionist
Most often, an elevated cholesterol level is the result of an incorrect lifestyle. Nutritionist Angelica Duval named the formula for effective normalization of this indicator.
In the conversation, she noted that high cholesterol provokes a large number of cardiovascular diseases, but it can be kept under control. The main thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle.
First of all, you should eat only natural products and exclude canned food, fast food, semi-finished products, fatty and fried food At the same time, it is better to prepare the food yourself, for example, cut the salad yourself, and not buy ready-made. “Let the salad be quite simple, from ordinary cucumbers and tomatoes, but it will not contain preservatives,” explained Duval.
It is not necessary to completely exclude products of animal origin from the diet, as some of them (for example, seafood and fish) have a beneficial effect on health. But it is better to use them in the first half of the day, and leave protein food and green vegetables for dinner. Positive changes in cholesterol levels can be seen after three days of a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, the nutritionist added.
A big role for cholesterol levels is played and drinks According to Duvall, fans of carbonated water, juices, sweet tea and coffee may experience elevated levels, especially when adding milk or cream. “Together, these drinks cause a feeling of hunger, and, therefore, a person eats several times more than the prescribed norm, thus increasing cholesterol,” the expert explained.
She emphasized that one of the most basic rules for normalizing cholesterol is sufficient consumption of clean water. The daily rate of water can be calculated as follows: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. In hot weather, 10% should be added to the figure.
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