The formula of a lush omelet is a culinary success
Not everything is so clear-cut. A phrase that fits perfectly with the omelet theme. In the imagination of gourmets, it should be tall, plump and not fall down after being placed on a plate. In fact, in most cases it does not turn out that way. What is the formula for culinary success?
There is no “golden” standard in proportions. There are many recipes in cookbooks. Sponge omelet can be prepared separately on egg whites, adding 1.5 tbsp. milk and 1 whole egg. It should keep its shape. If you cook it on sour cream or cream, the taste will be more pronounced.
It is necessary to add it or not – that is the question. The answer is yes. Flour will help the omelette to keep its shape. For 1 egg, add 1 tbsp. flour.
Technological point
Practical experience demonstrates the fact that the omelette is better kept when beaten with a fork or whisk. Even on the plate after the pan, the effect is preserved. High technologies and kitchen assistants can be left aside for now.
To fry or not
Culinary and philosophical question. It depends on what kind of omelet you are making. Over low heat and under the lid, the omelet grows and acquires a delicate structure. He seems to be baking. Transfer from the pan to the plate and it won't fall.
Really high
Honestly, getting a fluffy omelet in the pan is a matter of practice and skill. If you want a win-win option, then cook it in a narrow and tall dish. In this case, the omelet is baked in the oven. Nutritionists believe that this is the healthiest way to prepare a dish with a French accent.
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