The four most common types of cancer among men

Scientists state that the prevalence of cancer has recently increased prostate – this type of cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed in men.

The other day it became known that the most common type of cancer in the world has become a malignant tumor of the mammary gland in women. But what about men?

Experts talked about four types of cancer that the stronger sex should be especially wary of.

Prostate cancer. It develops in the tissues of the prostate gland and ultimately can disrupt the work of the urinary system and its functions. This disease may not show any symptoms until the late stage.

Among the signs that appear, bone pain, blood in the urine, and a feeling of strain when urinating draw attention to themselves.

Lung cancer. It is considered the most deadly of all types of cancer, one of the most difficult to diagnose (the appearance of its symptoms usually means progressive tumor development and metastases). The main risk factor is smoking, but lung cancer can also occur without any connection with a bad habit (for example, under the influence of dangerous carcinogenic compounds, environmental pollution).

Common symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, wheezing, changes in sputum, and coughing up blood.

Colorectal cancer. Risk of colon or rectal cancer increase (in addition to hereditary predisposition) obesity, smoking, inflammatory bowel diseases, lack of proper physical activity, age, low fiber intake, abuse of processed and red meat.

Its symptoms can be abdominal pain, rectal bleeding , changes in bowel habits, unexplained weight loss.

“Men aged 50 and older are recommended to be screened for colorectal cancer every 5-10 years – this effectively ensures its early detection and proper treatment,” they emphasize specialists.

Liver cancer. Factors that accelerate its appearance are frequent and excessive alcohol consumption, hypodynamia, unhealthy diet and obesity, infection with hepatitis B and C viruses. Accordingly, their prevention is also prevention of its development.

Symptoms of liver cancer include jaundice, loss of appetite and abdominal pain.

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Author: alex

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