The gardeners told why to plant marigolds in the garden

marigolds are beautiful flowers that bloom from early summer to late autumn and delight the eye with their beauty. But in addition to aesthetic pleasure, they also help fight pests in the garden.


When the garden is attacked by aphids, marigolds will come to the rescue. It is necessary to prepare an infusion from them, and not only flowers, but also stems and leaves. It is necessary to grind the whole plant, pour 6 liters of warm water and put it in a warm place for 48 hours.

Then squeeze the infusion, filter it, add 50 ml of liquid soap (so that it sticks better) and spray the stems and leaves of peas and cabbage , currants on both sides. It can also be used to spray apple trees, cherries, plums and other crops.

Marigolds also repel bears. To do this, the crushed parts of the plant are scattered among the vegetables, especially in places where this gluttony is concentrated.

It is very useful to plant beds with peas, onions, cabbage, strawberries with marigolds. With their aroma, these flowers scare off the cabbage moth, strawberry weevil, and onion fly.

Even the Colorado beetle does not like the neighborhood with marigolds.

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Author: alex

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