The girl gave up salt for a month and regretted it: this is the reason

The girl excluded salt from her diet for a whole month to get rid of bloating, but it caused other health problems.

About her experience of giving up salt and unexpected consequences of such a decision for the body, said Nikita Bhardwaj in her blog.

According to her, it all started when she asked her trainer for advice on how to get rid of bloating. He recommended cutting out sugar and salt from her diet, as if that should help.

It was pretty easy for her to give up sweets, but she regretted giving up salt. After all, it was this that provoked a whole series of problems.


The girl said that over time terrible convulsions began. The pains in the muscles were so strong that the girl woke up screaming in the middle of the night. She considers electrolyte imbalance to be the cause. In addition, the pain began to interfere with classes – even running became a real challenge for the body, and it was almost impossible to perform other exercises.


Also with severe fatigue appeared. The blogger emphasized that water alone without the use of salt was not enough to maintain electrolyte balance. This led to the fact that the level of sodium in the body dropped sharply, which could provoke fatigue and dizziness.

The blogger said that things could only get worse if she continued her diet. After all, it is quite likely that this would lead to the development of hyponatremia – a condition of the body when the concentration of sodium ions in the blood plasma falls below the required level, which can provoke a number of pathologies.

Craving for unhealthy food


The girl said that she could not say whether others have the same reaction to the lack of salt, but she had a strong craving for harmful products. She just couldn't stop herself from eating fries or a bowl of noodles.

It got to the point that the blogger got so excited that she ended up overeating. And this, of course, interfered with losing weight and keeping in shape.

Going to a nutritionist

After all these problems, Nikita decided to go to a nutritionist. He confirmed that she did really wrong, because there is a really big difference between limiting and completely excluding some mineral from the diet.

The blogger concluded that you should not completely give up salt consumption. However, it is still advisable to avoid its consumption after 6 p.m. to avoid bloating. It helped her not only get rid of this problem, but even lose a little weight.

Finally, she warned that before considering any drastic changes in your diet, you should consult a specialist. And if some advice worked for your friends, it does not mean that your body will have the same reaction, so you should be careful.

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Author: alex

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