The human brain turned out to have more computing power

Scientists have developed a unique way of communicating with human brain cells, which has never been used before. And thanks to him, it was established that this organ is a much more powerful computing unit.

It turned out that the human brain has much more outstanding computing power than it was believed. Researchers from Germany and Greece discovered a process in the outer cells of the brain, which leads to the development of its own graduated signal. And it allows individual neurons to perform logical functions. The results of this interesting study were published in the authoritative scientific journal Science. It is noted here that these new electrical properties have never before been observed in any animal tissue except human tissue.

And this raises the logical question of whether this signal contributes exclusively to the development of human intelligence or it was also noted in our ancestors by evolution – humanoid primates. Due to the wave-like signal, channels in neurons are opened and closed, which exchange charged particles such as sodium, chloride and potassium.

Neurons control the ends of branches, which are called dendrites. They play a central role in the processes of understanding because they underlie what determines the computing power of individual neurons. Dendrites are called traffic lights of the nervous system, their significant action potential can be transmitted to neighboring nerves, which either block or pass these messages on.

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Author: alex

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