The human liver can work for 100 years
The human liver is designed for a huge lifespan, as research has shown. It was conducted by scientists from the University of Texas.
Why do people age and die? Because our organs wear out over time, work worse and worse and gradually fail. But some of these organs are designed for very long operation, as scientists from the University of Texas found out. Moreover, they did it in a fairly simple and effective way.
Thousands of liver transplants are performed every year in the world. In some cases, very young patients receive livers from adults, and sometimes even elderly people. Among the 250,000 such transplants in the US from 1990 to 2022, there were 25 in which children received part of their liver from elderly donors. The researchers decided to calculate how long the operation of this organ lasted in general. It turned out that in some cases the liver worked for a total of more than a hundred years.
This study shows that the life limits of our body are greatly underestimated, if we take into account the average life expectancy, and that part of the organs can be safely taken from the elderly donors Especially the liver, which has a strong ability to regenerate. Even a small fragment of a liver taken from a donor, after transplantation into the human body, eventually grows to the normal size of this organ.
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