The leading cause of hair loss is a lack of nutrients.
Changing your diet from antioxidants to omega-3 fatty acids can help “minimize” hair loss.
Between intensive hair styling and illness, there can be various triggers for hair loss. Unfortunately, your diet can be a sharp sword in this process as well. A lack of certain nutrients can trigger excessive hair loss, but according to an expert, some foods can, fortunately, help.
One of the main causes of hair loss is a diet that lacks the right nutrients to keep hair looking and feeling healthy.
Include foods rich in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals, reduce scalp inflammation, and minimize hair loss.
From vitamin B12 to vitamin D deficiency, a lack of essential nutrients can take a toll on your hair. Leafy greens like spinach are rich in antioxidants from vitamins A to C and are important for hair growth.
Other great sources of macronutrients include cheese, legumes, yogurt, whole grain bread, tofu, fish, meat, and nuts.
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to hair growth, can be found in fatty fish like herring and salmon, which also contain vitamin D.
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