The least known symptoms of one of the fastest growing types of cancer
Jiri Kubes, medical director of the cancer treatment center “Proton Therapy Center”, talked about the least known symptoms of cancer that spreads in the head and neck region.
< "Head and neck cancer is one of the fastest growing types of cancer," Kubes says. Some of the early symptoms can easily be mistaken for other common illnesses.
One such well-known symptom to look out for is a persistent sore throat that lasts for more than two weeks. This can also be attributed to sore gums, ulcers, and toothache.
Also, “white or red spots in the mouth” may appear, which, as the doctor emphasized, is an “alarming sign.”
Another common early symptom is persistent ear congestion or persistent earache, and swelling of the neck or some swelling in that area.
Such symptoms are not should definitely be a cause for concern. However, “it is vitally important, if you suspect that something is wrong, to consult a doctor,” advises the expert.
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