The level of happiness after retirement depends on the type of person

Scientists from Kasetsart University in Bangkok reached concluded that a person's personality type affects their chances of enjoying a happy retirement. For example, extroverts have a much harder time coping with well-deserved rest than introverts.

For some people, retirement is a long-held dream. For others, it is a signal that a significant part of their life is over, now no one needs them anymore, it remains to sit at home and wait for death. The level of happiness after retirement depends on the type of personality, as the study of Thai scientists showed.

They found out that extroverts have more difficulty facing the need to break the usual circle of contacts. These people love communication, but retirement deprives them of this pleasure, and extroverts have to communicate only with their loved ones. retirement For them, this is an opportunity to communicate less with random people, focusing on their hobbies, thoughts and business.

This is logical, because closed people, as a rule, feel uncomfortable in a working environment, especially if they have to enter often and a lot in contact with colleagues or clients.

In many countries of the world, the retirement age is gradually increasing, which is associated with an increase in people's life expectancy. However, there are those who do not see themselves retired at all and prefer to work until the end of their lives. For example, representatives of such professions include artists who serve the theater and cinema, as a rule, until their last breath and even dream of dying on stage.

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Author: alex

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