The main causes of constant fatigue are named

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Sooner or later everyone feels tired. However, if it does not go anywhere after sleep or rest, you should think about your health. Doctors listed the main symptoms of constant fatigue and drowsiness.


One of the most common causes of chronic fatigue is iron deficiency anemia, writes the National Health Service of Great Britain (NHS). Most often, women are prone to it, but it can also occur in men. Usually, with anemia, a person feels that his muscles are very “heavy”.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which the upper airway periodically closes, resulting in a constant interruption of breathing. This leads to loud snoring and a drop in the level of oxygen in the blood. Due to difficulty breathing, a person often wakes up during the night and feels tired from the very morning.

Underactive thyroid gland

Underactive thyroid gland means that in the body too little thyroxine hormone, so a person feels tired. Its level can be checked by taking a blood test.

Gluten disease

It is a lifelong disease caused by the immune system's reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, and therefore in some pastas, breads, cakes and cereals.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is fatigue that lasts at least 4 months. It can be accompanied by other symptoms, for example, pain in the muscles or joints.


One of the main symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is severe fatigue Other key signs of the disease are severe thirst, frequent urination and weight loss. If these symptoms are present, you should consult a doctor.


With depression, a person may feel a complete lack of strength. Insomnia also often develops, causing fatigue and sleepiness during the day.


Some people have a constant uncontrollable feeling of anxiety, so strong that it affects on their daily life. Doctors call it generalized anxiety disorder. In addition to anxiety and irritability, people with this disease often feel tired.

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Author: alex

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