The main mistakes in cooking cutlets
Getting lush and juicy cutlets for lunch is easy! But it is important to avoid common mistakes that negatively affect the structure and taste of the dish.
Mistake 1
If you do not add moist breadcrumbs to the minced meat, then you can forget about lightness.
In addition, this component absorbs the juice from the meat, which allows you to make the treat juicy.
But the main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to get a tasteless lunch or dinner. 250-300 g of bread will be enough for 1 kg of minced meat.
Mistake 2
Eggs can harm the “splendor and lightness” of the cutlet. When frying, the protein curls, the dish turns out tough and dry.
If the minced meat is well mixed, this component will only be superfluous.
Mistake 3
Cooks often add a piece of lard when cooking cutlets. They do this for a reason.
It gives juiciness, lightness and a richer taste.
This method also helps save on frying oil.
Mistake 4
The cutlets must be breaded.
Thanks to this, the dish does not completely touch the bottom, and therefore does not burn and is well cooked. The result is a delicious crust, while the meat inside remains juicy.
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