The main mistakes in tea preparation that reduce its benefits are named

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Dozens of studies have shown that it has various health benefits, including the prevention of many chronic diseases.

However, there are several common mistakes that tea lovers often make when making tea. They cannot completely negate the beneficial properties of the drink, but they have a destructive effect on some important compounds.

Too hot water

Many experts agree that that tea cannot be brewed with freshly boiled water. The fact is that it kills the taste properties of tea leaves, making the drink bitter. In addition, hot water can destroy delicate antioxidants – catechins, which make it so useful.

There is no single water temperature suitable for making all types of tea. For example, green tea should be brewed at a temperature no higher than 85 degrees Celsius, and black tea can be brewed at 95 degrees. It is best to remove the kettle from the heat when the water is just beginning to bubble.

It is taking too long to brew

Experts advise to get rid of the habit of “brew tea and forget about it”. Like the water temperature, the duration of brewing depends on the type of tea. White tea should be steeped for one to three minutes, green tea for three minutes, and black tea for three to five minutes. If you wait too long, tannins will begin to be produced in the drink, which will have a negative effect on digestion.

Too little brewing

If the tea has not had time to infuse sufficiently, there is a risk of not getting any benefit from it. According to the Food Chemistry study, depending on the chemical composition of the tea, the compounds contained in it begin to be released at certain stages of the brewing process. The first compounds that appear after immersing the tea leaves in water affect the aroma and taste of the tea. After that, useful trace elements-flavonoids and polyphenols, as well as caffeine, are released. Then heavier trace elements and bitter tannins “come out”. If you brew tea quickly, you can miss all its benefits.

Tea bags

Such tea can be very convenient, but it is far from the best option for health. 'I. The thing is that they usually put broken tea stems and leaves in it, which many call simply “dust”. These ground products contain less essential oils and release more bitter tannins than whole leaf tea. A more useful alternative can be tea in “pyramids”. As a rule, these are higher quality teas, and the bag is specially designed to ensure optimal water access. It also has an advantage over traditional tea bags, as the latter are often treated paper that can leach harmful chemicals into the drink.

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Author: alex

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