The main myths about the harm of salt have been dispelled by experts

Salt is one of the most popular products – it is used in preparation of almost any dishes. At the same time, there are still a huge number of myths and prejudices about salt. Experts dispelled the most popular of them.

Salt is harmful to health

Eating too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and heart and kidney problems. However, this does not mean that you should completely give up salt, as it is an important nutrient for the body. The body uses salt to maintain proper water balance, normal blood pressure, nerve and muscle function. The main thing is to control its use. Adults are recommended to eat no more than 5 g of salt per day, which is less than one teaspoon.

Sea salt is more useful than table salt

Many people believe that sea, Himalayan, pink and other types of salt are more useful than ordinary table salt. However, in reality, there is little benefit from such varieties of the product, and their excessive use is also harmful to health. It's best to eat fruits and vegetables to get healthy minerals and other nutrients.

Some want more salt than others

Cravings for salty foods appear due to improper diet. At the same time, you can relearn your taste buds, and the desire to eat salty food will decrease. To do this, you need to eat more fresh, not processed products, choose products with a reduced salt content, eat less sauces and meat delicacies, use various herbs and spices.

Giving up salt will reduce blood' blood pressure

Salt does affect blood pressure, but it is not the only reason it increases. To lower blood pressure, you should regularly do sports, give up bad habits and reduce stress.

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Author: alex

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