The main risk factor for periodontitis has been determined

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A new study shows how important it is to brush your teeth regularly to prevent periodontitis. This disease is the leading cause of tooth loss.

Periodontitis is a type of severe gum infection that causes people to lose all their teeth and start wearing dentures at a relatively young age. Bacterial infection causes inflammation and weakening of the supporting structures of the teeth.

Due to the lack of adequate knowledge about the risk factors of periodontitis, the treatment of this condition is difficult. And now, Japanese scientists have identified oral bacteria as the main cause of periodontitis.

Previous studies have already linked the nature of the oral microbiome, as well as genetic polymorphism – the most common type of genetic variability among people with periodontitis.


However, until recently, no study has simultaneously assessed the importance of these two risk factors. And now Japanese scientists have proven that the microbiome of the oral cavity plays a significant role in the development of periodontitis – more important than the genetic composition of a person.

The results of this study are published by the International Journal of Environment and Public Health Research. They can help clinicians develop much more effective strategies to diagnose and treat a very insidious disease that leaves many people without teeth at a relatively young age.

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Author: alex

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