The main rules of hand washing are named

We all know how important it is to wash your hands to protect against bacteria. But many people do this process incorrectly.

Let's start with the fact that you should wash your hands only with clean water. For example, if you have so-called “irrigation water” in your country house, which cannot be used for cooking under any conditions, then it will not be suitable for washing your hands. To carry out this procedure, you will need to use water from a well, and in its absence – bottled water. Only then will you wash your hands with a liquid that does not contain dangerous microorganisms. Despite the different conclusions reached by researchers, liquid soap can still be used for washing hands. But it is important to apply it not only directly to the hands, but also to capture some part of the wrist.

Rub the foam formed by mixing water and liquid soap into your hands for at least 20 seconds. Do not forget to treat the area around the nails, since this is where some dangerous pathogens most often accumulate. After that, you can rinse your hands thoroughly with clean water. Ideally, if it is warm or even slightly hot, since in this case the level of disinfection is higher. Do not leave soap between your fingers and under your nails.

In order to wipe wet hands, it is better to use clean towels. In some homes, people change these towels once a month, which simply eliminates all sense in the correct hand washing procedure. After all, bacteria accumulate on a dirty towel, and you rub them into your hands again after washing.

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Author: alex

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