The main signs of magnesium deficiency in the body are listed

Magnesium is an important mineral that supports the functioning of the body and is involved in many important processes, such as muscle contraction, energy production, and blood circulation. Most of the time, a person does not get enough magnesium from food, so it must be replenished with the help of supplements, otherwise it can lead to health problems. Experts have listed the signs of a lack of this mineral in the body.

The first sign is a too fast or slow heartbeat. This is because magnesium supports the heart's electrical impulses. The second sign is high blood pressure, as the mineral directly affects the regulation of this indicator.

Also, magnesium deficiency affects mood and mental health. According to research, people who took supplements of the mineral reported positive results in the fight against depression.

In addition, morning sickness can indicate a lack of magnesium. This especially applies to pregnant women. The fifth sign is frequent muscle cramps. Magnesium helps muscles to relax, but without this important element, they are under a lot of stress.

Magnesium deficiency is experienced by women with sudden mood swings before or after menstruation. A feeling of constant fatigue also indicates a lack of the mineral, because it has a great impact on the energy level. Magnesium is directly related to sleep. If it is not enough, it can lead to insomnia. Another sign is the improper functioning of the intestines, as magnesium contains fiber, which is important for digestion.

Experts recommend consuming 320-420 mg of magnesium daily. The richest sources of this mineral are pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, spinach, cashews, potatoes, bananas and broccoli.

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Author: alex

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