The main symptoms of cancer: which body signals cannot be ignored

One of the most dangerous diseases of our time – cancer. This diagnosis is insidious in that its first symptoms are not always visible to an ordinary person, due to which the chance for earlier treatment can be missed. Experts emphasize that these signs can indicate other diseases. And yet, they are able to help doctors understand the problem in time and refer the patient to an examination to rule out the possibility of cancer.

The main signs that most likely indicate the oncological nature of the disease are:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • fatigue and constant pain;
  • night sweats , fever;
  • constant nausea and vomiting;
  • chronic cough;
  • change in size or color of mole;
  • enlarged lymph nodes and non-healing wounds .

Types of cancer

Oncological diseases affect different organs, in addition, some people are more prone to the development of one or another type of cancer. For example, women develop tumors in the breast, lungs, colon and rectum more often. For men, it is prostate, lung or bowel cancer. In children, this disease most often affects blood cells, the brain or immune cells

Causes of cancer

According to research published in the scientific journal BMJ, a particular impact processed products contribute to the development of oncological diseases. According to an experiment conducted with the participation of approximately 105,000 participants under the age of 18, it turned out that when eating such food, the risk of cancer increases by 10%.

Processed products include:

  • smoked and dried meat, sausages;
  • fresh bread;
  • cheese;
  • bacon;
  • salted nuts, candied fruit;
  • fruits preserved in syrup;
  • beer and wine.

The reason for the danger of such products is that in their preparation they use chemicals, dyes and sweeteners, which can provoke the development of cancer cells.

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Author: alex

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