The main warning signs will help to recognize lung cancer
Symptoms of lung cancer usually do not appear in the initial stages, but, as a rule, they can be seen when the disease progresses. It is extremely important not to miss the first and main warning signs, ignoring them or mistaking them for something safe.
Otherwise, it can turn into a fatal outcome. It is noted that lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of oncology.
It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation and division of cancer cells in one or both lungs. In Great Britain alone, 47,000 new cases of the disease are detected every year.
One of the first possible symptoms of lung cancer is an infection. It is usually associated with a cold, which it very likely could be. However, if the infection reappears, you should immediately consult a doctor and be examined for the presence of oncology.
Other warning signs include a cough or a hoarse voice for three weeks or more. A change in cough, shortness of breath and wheezing is also possible for no reason.
Hemoptysis and pain in the chest or shoulders that do not go away for a long time are not excluded. In addition, lung cancer, like any type of oncology, is accompanied by weight loss and a feeling of severe fatigue.
Doctors call smoking one of the main reasons for the development of the disease. It is noted that seven out of 10 cases of lung cancer are related to this habit. Family anamnesis is also important, i.e. heredity.
The state of the environment and air quality where a person lives are no less important.
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