The man decided to divorce: when there is sense to fight for relationships


Separation is always a painful stage in the relationship of the couple. Perhaps there is no relationship if such a question rises? But so unambiguous can be considered only when the decision is made unanimous. The situation where the initiator of divorce is one of the spouses and the other would like to keep marriage quite another. And it is women with their greater tendency to family life more often than men are experiencing the completion of relationships. If a man decides to leave, it not only violates the usual course of life, but also breaks the self -esteem of a woman.

we all know that you will not be forcibly sweet. Therefore, the advice of releasing a person and looking for his happiness elsewhere is increasingly heard. But is everything so hopeless? Let's try to figure out what cases the chances of returning the relationship are still.There is a lot to talk in the hearts and do even more. Therefore, if a man has an impulsive, inflammatory nature, he may well decide to leave the family nest. In this case, the hope of reunification should not be lost immediately. Give your husband time and use it yourself to analyze the situation.

What happened, why, that each of you did wrong in this conflict, whether it is instant. Is there a global character? When you answer these questions and calm down to listen to the other side, you can offer a meeting. This way you can discuss what happened without unnecessary emotions, in fact. But the main thing here is not to slip into a banal clarification of relationships. Maybe it makes sense to even contact a family psychologist.

conflict is triggeredIt is not so easy to decide to leave the family for a man. This must be understood. And it can be triggered by strong pressure from the relatives. For example, if you have your husband is sure that you are not suitable for him. It is not surprising to give the slack in these conditions, especially if you live in the same territory that turns into a constant battlefield. But here you need to understand the situation very well.

Is this really a pressure result or did your husband consciously chose to have? In the first case, the decision may be your moving to a separate living space. You need to talk and decide together. If a man goes to a dialogue, this is a good sign. But if he is a typical mother's son, the best solution for you will not return the relationship, but let go of the man. Unfortunately, for such a man there is only one woman-his mom.

You have paid insufficient attention to the man and recognize it

There can be a lot of reasons why a woman can be imperceptibly moving away from her husband. Often it is the long -awaited motherhood, in which she plunges with her head: she sees only a baby and forgets about her husband. Or a passionate desire to build a career with a misunderstanding of how to build a balance between personal and professional. Or a hobby that a woman cannot get away even to be near a loved one. When love is still alive, there is a chance that a man will come back.The inability to talk about your needs and restrictions in bed may well cause a man from a family. And the culprits of the situation can be both. Often complexes about “forbidden” talks are so strong that it is easier for a person to even leave his beloved woman than tell her what is the matter.

Yes, men are very conservative. Here the main condition for success will be the willingness of both to work on the problem. Do not resolve pressure and requirements. Suggest your husband advice with a specialist. It can be organized in absentia (remote consultations have already become everyday life), if it has fears that this visit can harm the reputation. Treat the problem with all seriousness. If there are feelings between you, it is possible to restore a harmonious relationship. In this case, it is necessary to talk about prospects with great care. But the first thing to do is still find out what really happened. Insults and other children's reactions will only worsen the situation. Take your hands and make a mature solution. If you keep your marriage for you in priority, then you will have to know everything and understand how to proceed. The only thing to do exactly is not to be humiliated. Always remember your dignity that is more valuable than any relationship, because men can be many and you are alone!

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Author: alex

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