The maximum possible life expectancy of a person became known

An international group of gerontologists determined how long a person can live as much as possible.

Yes, experts found out that a person can live from 120 to 150 years. Such conclusions were made on the basis of studies, during which the indicator of the dynamic state of the body – DOSI – was derived. It acts as an indicator of aging.

DOSI is affected by various diseases and stresses to which the human body is exposed. These factors change the level of the indicator, and the faster it stabilizes, the slower aging occurs. Researchers believe that minimizing harmful effects will allow you to live up to 120 years.

In addition, scientists took into account lifestyle, including the level of physical activity. After that, gerontologists came to the conclusion that a healthy lifestyle will allow to reach the mark of 150 years.

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Author: alex

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