The Meeting of the Lord 2025: date and traditions of the holiday according to the new church calendar
Meeting of the Lord is a great church holiday, which is considered one of the twelve most important in the church calendar.
Before the transition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine to the new style, the feast of the Meeting of the Lord was celebrated on February 15, and now the date has been moved to February 2.
In 2025, after the transition of the OCU to the new church calendar, the Meeting of the Lord will be celebrated on Sunday, February 2. The holiday is associated with one of the episodes of Christ's earthly life, therefore it is called the Lord's.
The Meeting of the Lord is an event that symbolizes the meeting of humanity, which was waiting for the coming of the Messiah to this world, with God. All humanity is personified by the righteous Simeon. In addition, the people believed that on this day winter meets spring.
On this holiday, believers go to festive services. And one of the main and ancient traditions on the Meeting is the consecration of water and candles in churches. Candles brought from the church on the Meeting were used to protect the house from evil spirits. Also, these candles are called thunderous candles by the people, they are lit in moments of severe weather, lightning and thunder, storms and downpours. And water consecrated on the Meeting of the Lord, according to believers, has healing properties.
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