The method of preventing dementia with the help of nutrition is named

Symptoms of dementia include cognitive impairment, and to prevent them, NHS (UK National Health Service) experts recommend avoiding certain foods and drinks, as well as following a certain diet.

Dementia is a group of disorders associated with a permanent decline in brain function. There are a number of different types of dementia, the most common being Alzheimer's disease. Scientists say that making some lifestyle changes can reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease in the future.

NHS experts have named a way to prevent dementia through nutrition.

“One of the simplest ways limit the risk of developing dementia – avoid red meat, butter and cheese, as well as pastries, sweets, and fried food,” the publication quotes Dr. Deborah Lee.

According to her, there is an optimal diet called MIND. It has been specifically designed to support brain health and prevent dangerous cognitive decline. This type of diet is characterized by a combination of the well-known Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, developed for hypertensives. eat is especially important for brain health. The MIND Diet includes ten healthy foods and excludes five unhealthy foods that have been selected based on strong scientific evidence for CNS benefit or harm,” said Dr. Lee.

She explained, that this type of diet especially strongly recommends the consumption of green leafy vegetables – they have been proven to effectively inhibit cognitive decline. It also includes a large amount of nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, and olive oil. Red wine is allowed.

“Available data show that people who strictly adhere to MIND can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by up to 53 percent,” the expert states.

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Author: alex

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