The Ministry of Defense has published a complete list of changes to the law on mobilization

The law on mobilization in Ukraine has already been signed by the president, it will enter into force on May 18. The Ministry of Defense showed a complete list of changes in the process of mobilization.

Obligations of citizens and authorities

Among the main ones, during mobilization, men aged 18 to 60 must carry with them military registration documents and present them to authorized persons.

Conscripts are also required to arrive at assembly points upon summons or summons.

Local self-government bodies should facilitate the preparation and implementation of mobilization and demobilization. To keep reports and records of conscripts, as well as to interact with the Defense Forces.

Deferral, reservation, military registration

The Ministry of Defense has published a complete list of categories of persons who may be granted deferment from conscription.< /p>

Also, the law on mobilization determines who is subject to reservation from mobilization.

The procedure for inclusion in military registration, as well as removal and exclusion from registration.

Basic service and military service: procedure, deferment, terms

It is noted that men aged 18 to 25 are eligible for basic military service in the army. Temporarily unfit for health, students and family circumstances can get a deferment.

Basic service during martial law lasts up to three months. Military service by conscription during mobilization continues until the end of the special period or ends under other circumstances.

Military transport duty and other changes

Military transport duty is established to meet the needs of the Armed Forces and other military formations with means of transport (including water) and equipment. In particular, these can be tractors, self-propelled chassis, self-propelled agricultural, road-building machines, agricultural machinery.

The new law on mobilization

We remind you that on April 11, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading draft law No. 10449, which regulates the mobilization procedure. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the law on mobilization on April 16. The document was published on April 17 and will come into effect on May 18.

People's deputies took into account more than 30 amendments of the Committee on National Security, and also finally excluded the demobilization of the military from the document. A separate draft law will be developed for this purpose. /_/1_5b9228126232615087285b248262124e_650x410.jpg

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Author: alex

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