The Ministry of Energy explained when the situation with light will improve

The Ministry of Energy explained that the situation with light in the country will improve immediately after the completion of maintenance and repair campaigns of energy facilities.

She pointed out: the situation with light was affected by the recent Russian attack on facilities in particular of the energy infrastructure:

“On the night from Friday to Saturday, there were again mass attacks on energy infrastructure facilities, transmission system facilities were attacked, this in turn affected the general situation. Unfortunately, today we still have a deficit”.

According to Grynchuk, maintenance of all available energy and generating capacities is currently underway to prepare the country's energy system for winter:

“Now it is very painful for all of us to endure a blackout, but we all must understand that it will be much worse in winter . Therefore, we are trying now to do everything possible to ensure that all our available capacities and those that we are restoring after damage, so that they all work without interruption during the autumn and winter period”.

At the same time, she emphasized that the situation with the light will be better when all these maintenance and repairs are completed: “. we are doing everything so that we have much more electricity in the coming months.”

“Of course, first of all on nuclear units, because nuclear generation provides more than half of our needs. After Saturday's attacks, we continue to recover, so the deficit has really increased a little these days due to the hot weather. However, I think that the situation will improve soon if there are no additional shelling,” she comments.

According to the Deputy Minister of Energy, one of the most difficult periods is currently being observed in view of the repeated damage caused by Russia, and quite a small amount of recovery time. She believes that the Russians know very well how to inflict the maximum damage on the Ukrainian energy sector:

“We really hope that we will be able to protect the existing capacities and what we are restoring. The Russians know very well which objects should be attacked in order to cause maximum damage to the energy system.”

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Author: alex

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