The most beneficial fruit for the liver has been named
It is known that orange and red fruits help maintain a healthy liver. They are rich in carotene and pectin, which contribute to the active removal of harmful substances from the body.
In combination with liquid, pectin forms a gel-like mass in which, like sticky tape for flies, pesticides, heavy metal ions and other substances hazardous to health settle. Of seasonal fruits, apricots contain the most pectin, said Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor Anatoliy Pechinka. Their composition is especially valuable because it helps remove toxins from our cells and is useful for intoxication. However, people who have liver problems are better off buying sweet and sour apricots. And you can’t eat these fruits except for hepatitis, since carotene will not be absorbed.
Not only apricots themselves have a good effect on the liver, but also drinks made from them. For example, by drinking an incomplete glass of apricot smoothie, you can please your body with a daily dose of vitamins. However, observe moderation: apricots, rich in fiber, if eaten too much, are quite capable of activating intestinal functions.
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