The most dangerous consequences of alcohol abuse have been named
An expert from New York University, Susan McQuillan, presented the most dangerous consequences of alcohol abuse. This list includes not only physical health problems, but also mental ones.
According to Susan McQuillan, even if excessive alcohol consumption does not lead to sad events on the spot, and even if the disorder associated with the addiction is not diagnosed, drinking has a profound effect over time on every part of the body.
Among the most dangerous consequences of alcohol addiction: a high probability of developing oncological diseases of the digestive tract (mouth, throat, esophagus, colon). If we are talking about women, then the risk of breast cancer increases. This also includes liver disease, cardiovascular system malfunctions, including high blood pressure.
As for the psychological component, such people are prone to depression, anxiety, and have problems with learning and memory.
Excessive alcohol consumption also interferes with reproductive health and sexual functioning, affecting sperm activity and production in men, menstrual cycle disorders, and an increased risk of infertility in women.
Women have a high probability of miscarriage and diagnosing alcohol spectrum disorders in the fetus. Experts advise to think hard about whether the addiction is worth such health problems.
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