The most dangerous foods for those who pass exams
Coming very soon schoolchildren and students will enter the period of taking exams, which is very responsible for them. Special attention should be paid to food products, and in particular, to refuse the use of these types of food.
Sweets. Foods with a high sugar content are harmful to the brain. Sweet foods have a negative effect on the brain and if your children are preparing for any exams, keep them away from sweets for a while. Let it become an encouragement based on the results of the passed tests. Sweets have a negative effect not only on short-term, but also on long-term memory.
Coffee. It is difficult to imagine students who do not drink buckets of coffee during sessions. However, energy-generating caffeine has a serious negative effect on the brain. In particular, it does not let you sleep, and the body shows symptoms of chronic complications due to this, including anxiety, rapid heartbeat and other pains.
Fried food. While you are taking exams, exclude from menu of fried chicken and potatoes. Fried food is also harmful to the brain, as saturated fats and cholesterol partially block blood flow to the brain. And because of this, the functionality of this organ decreases.
Products with trans fats. First of all, you need to give up fast food. These products contribute to the drying of the brain, reduce mental abilities, slow down decision-making processes, prevent people from thinking, thinking, calculating and performing other actions that are extremely necessary for exams.
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