The most dangerous foods to avoid
Sugar-free products are needed not only by those who want to lose weight. Diabetics should be especially careful when choosing food. Sometimes unsweetened foods can affect blood glucose levels. To warn against a mistake, doctors named non-obvious foods that affect sugar levels.
Rice and flour products
Rice and pastries seem unsweetened. However, they contain a large amount of starch. Having undergone additional processing, they have a high glycemic index (GI), which indicates the effect of carbohydrates on the level of glucose in the blood.
If you have diabetes, you should avoid such products. Add coarse grains to rice, and replace baked goods with root vegetables.
Starchy vegetables
Sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkin are not very sweet in taste, but they are rich in starch, which is broken down into glucose in the body. In large quantities, these products provoke a sugar spike, which can later lead to hyperglycemia. Doctors recommend consuming no more than 150-200 grams of these vegetables per serving.
Quick-cooking products
Instant coffee and other instant products (cereals, noodles, etc.) contain many artificial ingredients – flavor enhancers, flavorings, dry cream and dextrins. They all have a negative effect on the sugar level, so diabetics are strictly prohibited from eating such dishes
Ketchup, barbecue sauce, pizza sauce, mayonnaise – all they do not taste sweet, but sugar or sucrose is added to them during the manufacturing process. Their use in large quantities provokes the release of insulin. Therefore, such sauces should be avoided.
Non-sweet snacks
Snacks and snacks do not seem sweet. Sometimes manufacturers hide information and do not say that such products contain sugar.
And even if there is no sugar, they contain a lot of starch. Used in large quantities, such snacks lead to hyperglycemia.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that patients with diabetes should pay special attention to their diet. If the product is not sweet, do not think that it is safe. To monitor the sugar level, diabetics need to control the amount of food they eat and pay attention to its quality.
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