The most dangerous household items that cause the accumulation of microplastics in the lungs

Microplastics are pouring into the environment at a dizzying rate, which carries the risk of destroying certain species. But there is evidence that pollutants can be harmful to humans. Recent discoveries have confirmed that particles enter the bloodstream and human respiratory tract.

While the risks this may pose to our health remain to be seen, experts have highlighted which everyday items can put us at risk high level.

A recent study found microplastics in all parts of the lungs, including the lower parts of the lungs.

A study examining lung tissue collected from patients during routine medical care has raised concerns about widespread plastic pollution and the potential consequences. The researchers found 12 types of plastic, which included polypropylene and polyethylene, as well as terephthalate and resin.

These plastics are commonly used in the production of packaging, bottles, clothing, rope and twine (thread). According to Monika Wassermann, MD, there are other sources of microplastics that may be less obvious.

“The most dangerous sources of microplastics are urban dust, textiles and tires. These three are the most dangerous because they account for almost 80 percent of microplastic pollution.”

But, according to the expert, various foods and drinks can also introduce microplastics into our system. These include bottled water, salt, seafood, tea bags, ready meals and canned goods.

Dr Wassermann continued:

“In my medical experience, consumption of microplastics leads to inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA damage”.

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Author: alex

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