The most dangerous symptom of vitamin D deficiency is named
With so many health risks, it's easy to forget about important problem before it is too late. Many people do not realize how important vitamin D is to the body, and therefore often ignore it, paying attention to other vitamins.
As a rule, this substance is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight. However, you can also get it from some products.
People who live in the northern regions of the planet can develop osteomalacia due to vitamin D deficiency. The condition is characterized by marked softening of the bones, which carries serious health consequences, the Mayo Clinic said. or other diagnostic studies. But as the condition progresses, bone pain and muscle weakness appear,” the doctors explained.
Most often, a dull aching pain occurs in the lower back, pelvis, hips, legs, and ribs. It can be aggravated at night or when pressing on the bones. Even after rest, the pain rarely disappears completely.
Usually, the condition is caused by a lack of vitamin D, which causes a deficiency in the mineralization of the osteoid matrix in cortical and cancellous bone, which leads to the accumulation of osteoid tissue. Treatment of the disease includes additional intake of vitamin and calcium carbonate.
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