The most harmful myths about HIV
Once this disease was called the plague of the 20th century, but now it is the 21st century, and the stigmatization of HIV-infected patients should be stopped. Especially considering that the number of Ukrainians with HIV is already approaching 1% of the total population.
Touching and hugging with HIV-infected patients is absolutely not dangerous and even theoretically cannot lead to HIV infection. In addition, you can safely kiss a person who has this virus.
You should not believe that HIV is transmitted through sweat, tears, urine or feces – this is not true. All the ways HIV is transmitted are well known to science and have long been described in popular science literature.
You cannot get infected if you are in the same room with someone infected with HIV, since the virus is not transmitted through the air. You cannot get infected with it in water, so visiting swimming pools is also completely safe, of course, if people infected with HIV do not receive any injuries that lead to hemorrhages.
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