The most important advantages of mushrooms for health
Mushrooms have been present in the diet of Ukrainians for centuries, it is one of the most favorite foods. But did you know that mushrooms sometimes work miracles?
Yes, some time ago, scientists found that mushrooms can inhibit the growth of breast and prostate tumors in animal cell cultures. A small clinical study on patients with prostate tumors demonstrated these wonderful properties of mushrooms.
Mushrooms are often quite filling. Studies show that due to their low calorie content and the ability to digest for a long time, mushrooms help a person to maintain a feeling of satiety and thereby protect themselves from overeating. So, mushrooms contribute to weight loss.
And it is also an ideal product with a low content of saturated fats and sodium. The umami taste characteristic of mushrooms balances the feeling of saltiness and allows you to use less salt when preparing dishes.
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