The most important trace element for health: 13 examples of its benefits

Magnesium is one of those elements that are absolutely necessary for the body to function normally. With a lack of this substance, there may be problems with bones, muscles, nerves, and so on. Magnesium improves metabolism, which can reduce the risk of asthma.

This substance is necessary for more than 300 chemical reactions in the human body. It is included in the first five most important trace elements for health. Almost half of the amount of magnesium in the human body is stored in the bones. Its sources include vegetables, wheat flour, and chocolate.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include neck and back pain, nervousness, migraines, muscle weakness and spasms, loss of appetite, and sleep problems. You can name at least 13 points, listing the positive effects of magnesium on the body:

  • prevents eclampsia – convulsions during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period;
  • it is used for the treatment of some diseases of the nervous system, relief from stress, anxiety;
  • serves for the prevention of asthma due to the relaxing effect on the muscles of the respiratory organs;
  • increases the strength of the body, accelerating the production of energy in cells;
  • ensures bone health by raising the level of calcium in the body to the required level;
  • saves from convulsions by relaxing skeletal and smooth muscles;
  • helps to improve the health of the heart – by reducing stress, it reduces the load on the cardiovascular system;
  • takes part in the regulation of insulin levels, which is why it is prescribed for diabetes;
  • relieves migraines, reducing the intensity pain, and the frequency of attacks;
  • helps saturate bones, cartilage, tendons with collagen – one of the main elements of these organs;
  • improves the absorption of minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • contributes to the normal activity of the urinary bladder;
  • accelerates getting rid of constipation.

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Author: alex

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