The most important vitamins you need to get at every age

Doctors warn: there is nothing more dangerous than uncontrolled intake of vitamins and biologically active supplements. But at the same time, it is very important to get all the vitamins and minerals we need every day. We have prepared a selection of vitamins that we need at every age – get tested regularly to make sure that you are getting everything you need, and adjust your diet if something is missing. Attention: never prescribe vitamins yourself, before starting to take them, be sure to consult a doctor!

In adolescence

The two most important vitamins that teenagers should get in sufficient amounts are calcium and vitamin D. According to international standards, the daily calcium requirement for teenagers is 1300 mg and 600 units of calcium – in this case, their bones will develop normally.

At 20 years old

Between the ages of 20 and 30, it is still very important to get enough calcium and vitamin D, but it is also important that you do not have a deficiency in B vitamins, as well as folic acid and iron.

At 30

After 30, it is time to start taking care of your heart health, which means getting enough omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish is the easiest way to meet your need for these healthy fats.

At 40

After 40 years of age, it is especially important to monitor the level of vitamin D. Deficiency of this vitamin in adulthood is associated with an increased risk of a variety of diseases that directly affect life expectancy, from cancer to type 2 diabetes. To get the daily norm of vitamin D, a 15-minute walk in sunny weather or a portion of fatty fish is enough.

At 50 years old

Vitamin D remains as important as before, and the need for calcium also increases: it becomes twice as high as in adolescence and is 1200 mg per day. The fact is that at this age we do not create our bone system, but preserve it – and, as we know, preserving it is always more difficult than creating it from scratch.

At 60

Omega-3, calcium and vitamin D are still vital for both bone health and resistance to osteoporosis, as well as for the normal functioning of our heart.

At 70 and older

In addition to the vitamins and fatty acids already mentioned, vitamin B12 becomes critically important for us: after 70 years of age, it becomes difficult for the body to process B vitamins and it needs additional support.

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Author: alex

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