The most popular, but useless folk remedies for the treatment of colds

According to candidate of medical sciences Iryna Dobretsova, most of the folk methods for treating colds or strengthening immunity are useless, and some of them are completely dangerous, especially for children .

Everyone knows that “breathing over a hot potato” helps with a sore throat and stuffy nose. However, such inhalation, as the doctor noted, will not cure a cold, but can lead to burns of the mucous membranes. This procedure is especially dangerous for children – they can get seriously burned.

A very popular remedy is to steam your feet in a basin of hot water, adding mustard. According to Dobretsova, this will not help to cope with SARS, but such baths can be used to relieve stress if you add aromatic oils to the water. ), which people hang around children's (and sometimes themselves) necks. According to her, such a “garlic amulet” can only work as a deterrent to others, who will be more willing to observe social distance.

– If you want to protect yourself from the flu, just wash your hands with soap, do not touch your face with dirty hands and if possible, avoid places with a large crowd of people, said the doctor.

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Author: alex

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