The name is a well-known product that will help you lose weight
It also has a positive effect on brain functions and protects against cancer.
There are other valuable properties in peas. It has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, improves brain functions, and is also useful for the prevention of gastroenterological problems and atherosclerosis.
“A large number of vitamins groups B, C, PP, E, A, K, such macroelements as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, selenium. For example, the first two have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, as they stabilize blood pressure. Selenium has the same property, but it also acts as an antioxidant, removing free radicals from the body, that is, it prevents the aging of the body,” the specialist says.
However, it is worth considering that green peas are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergies or postoperative conditions.
Dr. of Medical Sciences Mykhailo Ginzburg used to generally call peas a product that protects against cancer and strengthens bones. True, it is worth considering that eating peas threatens flatulence.
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